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Una vida en imatges

Una vida en imatges

Per Posted on 2min. llegit1979 visites

Josep Pagespetit i Estrada Un excel.lent promotor de la cultura que dominava moltes vessants artístiques, pintor,…

Un si a la vida.

Un si a la vida.

Per Posted on 2min. llegit1983 visites

UN SI A LA VIDA. Aquesta és la ressenya d’un llibre i el seu autor que…

Celebrem el nadal

Celebrem el nadal

Per Posted on 1min. llegit3073 visites

Delicious as it is to have a long, languorous lunch, it isn’t always possible to have two bottles and let the hours slip away. Sometimes we need something snappy. The problem is, a whole set of denigrating values comes with the notion of fast food. Words commonly linked to the term include insipid, low quality, mass produced and so on. It is enough to have you reaching for a bottle at 1.00pm. This snootiness is simply not always justified any more.

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